
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ask a student for help

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We are now well into the second semester in most of our schools. Fairly soon final exams will be looming, along with Regents exams (at least in New York) and assorted other Common Core assessments as well.

It is my hope that over the next few months the arguing over Common Core, etc., can stop, and the energy be directed at getting the students to succeed.

Be it English, Math, Social Studies, Spanish, whatever they are studying, support them at it.

If you are one of those math-phobics who tells everyone that you are and never were any good at math, don't pass that along to the kids. Instead of telling them you cannot help them, ask them to help you. Have them explain what they are doing and what they are working on.  Many times just trying to explain something clarifies it for the explainer.

Just as an example, if the graphic here brings back memories of painful high school classes, then go out and find a high school student and have them explain what they can to you about it.

Remember, by asking a student to help you, you are helping them.

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